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Child Support Lawyer in the Merrimack Valley

Ensuring That Children Receive Adequate Support

 Child support is the financial responsibility a parent takes to ensure the basic needs of their child or children is cared for.  The financial security of your children is crucial along with ensuring that it does not impact your ability to maintain that responsibility.  The parent who does not have primary custody of the child is usually obligated to pay support to the custodial parent.

In 2013, Massachusetts made changes to the former formula-based support calculation process and adopted more flexible rules that factor in the needs of all parties.  The Law Offices of Kevin J. McQuade will fight to protect your rights and will work to make certain that orders affecting your financial responsibility is in the best interests of your children.  We will work together to ensure that the judge is fully aware of your individual circumstances so that she may create orders that utilize the flexibility within the new state guided regulations. 

Child Support lawyer Andover MA

By working with the Law Offices of Kevin J. McQuade,LLC, you will be able to focus on the ultimate goal which is the best financial security for the children. We understand that child support and the calculation methods are cumbersome and we will explain the process and work toward the best possible outcome.

 Modifying Child Support

After a child support order has been finalized, both parents have the right to request modifications or changes. The paying parents often face a difficult time when making a demand that support be reduced. It is important to consult an experienced Massachusetts family law attorney to find out all of your options and to make sure you are protected.

 Questions about Child support?

You deserve effective representation focused on protecting you and your families’ rights. Want to learn more about how Attorney McQuade can help? You can reach his North Andover office at (978)794-4400 to schedule an appointment. You can also reach him via email. Same-day appointments are available.